+ 10 minutes

Posted by on Mar 18, 2013 in Odds & Sods | 2 Comments
+ 10 minutes

I got a call at 01:34 this morning. Annie had gone into labour. An 8 year old champion Clydesdale mare, this was her first foal. Owners Gary and Aleks have spent the last 5 years trying to get her in foal, so this pregnancy has been carefully monitored. The foal was well presented but Annie […]


Posted by on Nov 12, 2012 in Odds & Sods | No Comments

We’re off to Paris at the end of the week to hang In Vino Veritas, a Wideyed exhibition at Mois de la Photo-OFF. So, here’s a pic from the residency at Chateau du Perron that didn’t make the edit. Francois Blanchards Percheron stallion Titan was bought with the intention of using horse power in its original form to manage […]