Art in the Woods

Posted by on May 22, 2014 in Odds & Sods | No Comments
Art in the Woods

When ‘Beasts of the Warren’ was shown in Auckland Castle last year I knew I wanted to take it back to the woods somehow. So, when the opportunity arose to be involved in Art in the Woods, part of Holmfirth Arts Festival 2014 I jumped at the chance. I am planning on experimenting with vinyl […]

Shoot! @ DLI for The Social

Posted by on Oct 22, 2013 in Odds & Sods | No Comments
Shoot! @ DLI for The Social

Shoot! was selected following an international open call for work for The Social: Encountering Photography, an international celebration of photography, organised by North East Photography Network and shown in different venues across the North East during autumn 2013. Here’s some shots of the installation, at Durham Art Gallery until January 12th 2014.  

Install #2

Posted by on Jun 6, 2013 in Odds & Sods | No Comments
Install #2

Well, they looked great but unfortunately not vandal proof so they were re-installed in the Castle grounds

@ NeST Gallery, Barnard Castle

Posted by on Apr 23, 2013 in Odds & Sods | No Comments
@ NeST Gallery, Barnard Castle

Some work from my Mongolia series is being shown at NeST Gallery, Barnard Castle until 30th June 2013