This series is the result of 2 Wideyed residencies at Château du Perron, an organic vineyard in the Torraine region of France.
Each year the grapes are picked and pressed by hand and foot. The harvest is labour intensive, but also a festive event, with families, friends, musicians and artists from all around France and beyond coming together to make and celebrate wine.
Along with Wideyed photographers Lucy Carolan and Richard Glynn, this work was published here and here, and was first exhibited in the UK at ArtHouse in London, April 25th – May 6th 2012.
In Vino Veritas was shown at Espace Beaujon, Paris in November 2012 as part of Mois de la photo-OFF
A smaller edit of this work was shown at The Old Truman Brewery, London, 19-20 May 2013 during the RAW wine fair.